The Southern African Essential Oil Producers Association hereafter referred to as SAEOPA,is a Section 21 Company.
SAEOPA was initiated in the year 2000 by Essential Oil Producers for Producers.
It was officially registered in 2003 with the registration number as: 2003/005678/08 SAEOPA SECTION 21.
SAEOPA is an organization which is well known in South Africa and abroad.
It is the vision of SAEOPA to establish an Industry with high production, excellent quality, sustainability and maximum value adding towards International Standards. To build an active and strong Southern African Essential Oil Association that will make a positive contribution to developing the economy of South Africa.
To be an Association that supports its members with agricultural, technical and marketing information in order to increase business opportunities.
To provide a platform for dialogue between members
To provide Government with information to plan future development actions in the chemical, industrial and agricultural spheres.
To be active in research & development of existing and new crops that will benefit members.
Training of unskilled and unemployed people in impoverished rural areas
Provide local demand and phase into exporting essential oils on global scale
To be a global spokesman for the Essential oil industry of Southern Africa
Offer solutions for unproductive farms
Guidance on adaptable crops in climate change
Contribute to job creation and skills development

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